StepFive_Amiga1200 (Final)
A downloadable game
Little story
Apart from various test routines, including the new palette (256 colours) and sprites, we wanted to create something other than a demo: a game!
That's when StepFive was born.
What is StepFive?
Stepfive is a Tetris-like game... Oh no, another tetris... yes, but the satisfaction is there: we've made and finished this game. What happiness ;)
It was a new exercise, a complete change from the demos, and we wanted to try and, above all, finish this adventure full of unforeseen events, 'normal' bugs, strange bugs, pleasures, fits of giggles when we tested it...
As far as the game is concerned, the difference lies in the falling figures: each one is made up of 5 small cubes (pentominoes) forming the figure, increasing the number of figures (compared with Tetris) that fall. So it's up to you to make as many lines as possible with pieces that are each more twisted than the last.
StepFive contains lots of music and graphics. It doesn't fit on a floppy disk as it, so it's compacted using the Titanic-cruncher.
Press the fire button and the menu appears. To navigate through it, use your joystick to move up or down.
Menu details :
Star Game : no explanations needed :)
Music : Once you've selected 'music', you can either turn it on (white) or off (red) by moving your stick left or right.
Sfx : same as Music
Reset Hiscore : Resets the score table
Save & Exit : Save the scores and Exit the game
Exit : Exit the game
Entering the game
The book opens and the pentaminoes start to fall. You're all familiar with the tetris principle, so I won't go into detail here :)
During the game, some positive options have been included. It's up to you to find out how to trigger them.
When we say positive options, we're also talking about options that... arrghhh... the world. So, if your controller or fire button are unresponsive, don't throw it away: it's neither a controller fault nor a bug ;)
You can rotate the pentaminoes by pressing fire
Up (why up? you may need to use UP ;) ), down, left, right
Press 'P' to pause the game
Game Over
The book closes and if you are in the scores table, you can enter your name.
The game was developed in asm using Trashm-One in 1994 and debugged in 2007. We spent a lot of time on it.
I hope you enjoy
- All the great GFX were done by MROD
- The fantastics musics & sfx were created by P. Krysztofiak
- Tests and debug, Olivier D. MROD, Jackie, Manu
- Game coded by Eric M and Jackie B.
Have Fun
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Nice different Tetris -game, thanks. I also added this to my "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from March 2024" -video.
Thank you very much for the video, you have one more subscriber ;)
Can't wait for the next one :)
Many thanks for your video my friend ;)
When you have the 'press down' option, you can pack a whole column
Have Fun ;)